Average Salary for 99 Bikes Employees in Australia

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FAQs About 99 Bikes

How much does 99 Bikes pay?

Are 99 Bikes employees satisfied with their compensation?

Our Fair Pay score for 99 Bikes is 2.2. Read reviews from current employees that include compensation and culture insights.

What is the highest salary at 99 Bikes?

The highest reported salary for an employee at 99 Bikes is currently A$83k / year

99 Bikes Reviews

Overall Satisfaction
3.2 out of 5
Company Outlook
Fair Pay
Learning and Development
Can be great.
Bicycle Mechanic in Perth, Western Australia:
Pros: Un-capped commision
Cons: Sales Consultants are valued much more highly than Mechanics and are paid more through commission as there is a lot more GP in selling a bike than in fixing a bike when you compare how much time each of those processes take. The recent pandemic has sky rocketed bike sales and put all staff members under a lot of pressure, however Sales staff have been making extortionate amounts of money (some up to 100% more) on commission whereas mechanics, despite also being under more pressure are not making any more than when there wasn't a pandemic. I find this extremely un justified and make's me feel very under valued. With pay aside, the company only focuses on how to improve sales and who the top sales people are and has daily/weekly updates on sales orientated information. There is no focus on anything mechanic related which gives you the impression your role isn't of any value to the company. I find this frustrating as good mechanics are hard to come by and it is by far a lot harder to recruit and train mechanics than it is to find and train sales staff.
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About 99 Bikes

Address: 39 Boston Road, Grafton Auckland, Auckland 1023
Industries: Apparel, Automotive, Retail, Sales
Founded on: January 1st, 2007
Number of Employees: 51-100
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Years of Experience

Early Career
Mid Career
This data is based on 10 survey responses.

Gender Breakdown for 99 Bikes

Avg. Salary: AU$48k - AU$70k
This data is based on 6 survey responses. Learn more about the gender pay gap.

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