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FAQs About Aladdin

How much does Aladdin pay?

Are Aladdin employees satisfied with their compensation?

Our Fair Pay score for Aladdin is 1. Read reviews from current employees that include compensation and culture insights.

What is the highest salary at Aladdin?

The highest reported salary for an employee at Aladdin is currently €NaN / hour

Aladdin Reviews

Overall Satisfaction
Not enough data
Unfair working conditions.
Restaurant Manager in Dubuque, Iowa:
Pros: I enjoy the opportunities I get through the company. Food shows, Culinary classes online, culinary competitions, working with different companys for ordering and being able to get things locally.
Cons: We have three locations at my current place of work. Since the company has become bigger it seems its less of a family atmosphere and we worry less about our employees and more about "Getting the job done". I think the way work is divided is sometimes unfair and some people end up working harder than others.
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About Aladdin

Gender Breakdown for Aladdin

Avg. Hourly Rate: €0 - €0
This data is based on 2 survey responses. Learn more about the gender pay gap.

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