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FAQs About Inmar Enterprises, Inc.

How much does Inmar Enterprises, Inc. pay?

What is the highest salary at Inmar Enterprises, Inc.?

The highest reported salary for an employee at Inmar Enterprises, Inc. is currently CA$NaN / year

Inmar Enterprises, Inc. Reviews

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Financial Analyst, Corporate in Winston-Salem, North Carolina:
Pros: Lots of parties, perks, and special offers to other businesses. Coworkers who are also being underpaid like me were very great to work with. Health benefits are present, but are cut off on the day of termination-- leaving employees without options that are affordable. You can dye your hair any color, have piercings, and tattoos-- but it's 2020 so this should not even be on the table for employment qualifications.
Cons: Upper management in client services is very unaware of their employees suffering from being underpaid, causing health issues that impact overall functioning & standard of living and fire them according to personal favorites-- high performing individuals are terminated in the middle of projects, allowing for managers to take credit for hours of work they did not contribute to. Overall, client services sector of Pharmacy Reconciliation is extremely not inclusive to millennial, trans (especially non-passing) or people of color when it comes to interactions with clients on B2B matters. They do not care for thorough explanations, are stagnant in their internal processes, and their filing system is chaotic. PTO days are also your sick days. If you are ill often, enjoy not having a vacation. Health benefits are only beneficial if you are making above 50k salary. Bachelors and masters-level employees are only receiving 38k or less. Those who are paid 50k or below (the lowest reported at 28k) will pay a minimum of $300/month out of their paychecks for healthcare- only if their body meets the BMI standards to reduce premiums (a discriminatory measure aimed at fat people). For those making under 34k, with the average rent increasing in NC, these employees are using up to 34% of their incomes on living expenses with the additional 8% towards their employer health plans. This is without tax calculated in. Do not work here. They will burn you out.

About Inmar

Address: Winston Salem, North Carolina
Industries: Intelligent Systems, Information Technology
Founded on: January 1st, 1980
Number of Employees: 1,001-5,000
Also known as: Inmar Inc.
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